Now, e-bikes are gradually becoming popular in China. According to a survey report from Truckrun, about 68% of Chinese e-bike end consumers are over 50 years old. They choose to buy e-bikes for entertainment, health, and other reasons. This story comes from one of the many elderly Truckrun cycling enthusiasts.

This story was narrated by Brother Hai, a fan of TruckRun motors, and organized by TruckRun. Brother Hai is a 65-year-old senior citizen in China who started a long cycling tour of China with an XC mountain bike equipped with a Truckrun M01 mid-drive motor.

Hailing from Benxi, a city in northeastern China about 50 kilometers from Shenyang, Brother Hai has loved cycling since he was young. However, due to his busy work and family life, he was unable to realize his dream of traveling around China. After retiring, he decided not to wait any longer. 

In 2019, he began cycling with a Merida bicycle. But due to knee problems, he found that his original bicycle could no longer support his travels. In 2022, he purchased a YUEXINUO mountain bike, a ten-speed hardtail XC mountain bike equipped with a Truckrun M01 mid-drive motor, with a rated power of 500W and a peak power of 850W, and equipped with Shimano Enduro gears and brake kits.

Brother Hai said, "This bike is very nimble. In ECO mode, I can easily reach a cruising speed of 28 kmh(17mph), even when carrying a load." 

When traveling, Brother Hai usually also carries two front bags, two panniers, three bottles of water, and a large endurance battery. "So this bike is really good. The power assistance is especially suitable for people with knee injuries like me. Even a full day of long-distance cycling is not a problem."

Regardless of winter or summer, Brother Hai insists on cycling and has visited many places in China. In the summer of the south, he travels through the green mountains and clear waters, enjoying the scenery along the way. In the winter of the north, he cycles on the snow-covered roads, and the e-bike with wide tires can easily traverse the snowy terrain.

"I went to the Great Wall, but not the section in Beijing. I chose a less famous 'wild Great Wall' in Datong City. Compared to the Great Wall in Beijing, this section of the wall is un-renovated, more authentic, and has a stronger sense of history. Of course, even the wild Great Wall definitely does not allow bicycles, so I can only ride to the foot of the mountain, haha."

Brother Hai also visited the Yellow River in the Central Plains, Guilin in the south, and Liupan Mountain. He also experienced ice and snow cycling in winter.

Stories from the Journey

• Communication with young cyclists: 

In Liupan Mountain, he met a group of young cycling enthusiasts. These young people admired Brother Hai's perseverance and spirit, and Brother Hai shared his cycling experience and the superior performance of the Truckrun motor with them.

Brother Hai said that since he started cycling, his body has become better. Although many young people believe that the health benefits of electric-assisted bicycles are far less than those of traditional bicycles, Brother Hai does not think so. "Now young people in China like to ride road bikes, but they have some prejudices against e-bikes. I want to say that although e-bikes are not strenuous to ride, I can ride further with more strength, so even though I am getting older, my body is getting better. In the past, my blood pressure was very high, but after cycling, my blood pressure has dropped from 150/95 to 135/95. My cardiopulmonary capacity has significantly increased, and I no longer snore at night, which is a real manifestation of health."

In fact, it is indeed the case. According to a report, cycling e-bikes can also effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer.

• A small temple in the heavy rain: 

During a heavy rain, Brother Hai found a small temple to take shelter from the rain, and the abbot of the temple warmly received him. The abbot was very interested in Brother Hai's cycling story, and the two chatted for a long time. 

Brother Hai said that many people like to compete in equipment, speed, and the type of bicycle, but what he and his partners do most is to ride. No matter how fast or slow, no matter how good the equipment is, he only knows one thing: to ride. The abbot of the temple said that this is in line with the concept of Buddhism.

Technical Details and Performance

Brother Hai specifically mentioned some technical details and actual performance of the Truckrun M01 motor and YUEXINUO bicycle, which mainly come from his cycling in the western Sichuan mountains, the Changbai Mountains in the northeast, and some mountains in Shanxi:

• Climbing ability: 

When climbing Liupan Mountain, the motor provided strong torque, helping him easily deal with steep slopes. But he also mentioned that when running at full power in turbo mode, the motor would heat up, and long-term overheating operation would reduce the motor's operating efficiency. Brother Hai said, "So you can't climb steep slopes continuously with high power for a long time, which will trigger the controller protection and force a shutdown. At this time, switching to a larger sprocket is a wise choice, and do not force the motor to run at high load."

• Endurance: 

In long-distance cycling, the battery's endurance performance is excellent, allowing him to avoid frequent charging. "I have an extra endurance battery, so I can ride all day. I usually take off the battery and charge it at the hotel at night, which is very convenient."

• Quiet operation: 

No matter when, the motor runs very quietly, only with a slight hum, which greatly improves comfort during long-term cycling.

• Stability: 

In various complex terrains, the motor performs stably, whether it is icy roads or muddy mountain roads, it can provide reliable assistance. "When I go off-road cycling, I will turn off the front fork lock and lower the tire pressure to get better shock absorption. The Truckrun motor does not need extra attention, it runs well in all situations, and mud and light rain have no effect."


Brother Hai's goal is to cycle around China, a challenging task that he has been committed to for two and a half years. The stability and strong performance of the Truckrun M01 motor have given him great confidence. Whenever he feels tired, the assistance of the motor fills him with new energy.

Brother Hai said, "Cycling is a way of life, and it is also a journey of the soul. Thank you to the Truckrun motor and YUEXINUO mountain bike for allowing me to go further on this road and see more scenery." In the future, he will continue to move forward, to explore more unknown beauty, and to fulfill his dream of cycling around China.

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You can tell us about your e-bike, the motor performance, and your riding experience. Of course, these are just suggestions; you are also welcome to share any amusing anecdotes and cycling tips from your rides! 

truckrun will share these stories with other enthusiasts on the e-bike official website, and we eagerly look forward to building a vibrant community together with you!

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